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Publication ethics

The publication ethics of the journal "Volga Bulletin of Science" is developed taking into account the recommendations of the Association of scientific editors and publishers and the International Committee on Publication Ethics.

Compliance with the ethics of scientific publications of the journal "Volga Bulletin of Science" is an obligatory requirement for all participants in the publishing process: authors, editors, reviewers, founders and publishers of the journal.

The responsibility of the author

1. The author can send only those materials to the journal "Volga Bulletin of Science” that have not been previously published, as well as sent for consideration to other publications. 2. If the article has more than one author, all co-authors must agree to represent the article to the journal "Volga Bulletin of Science". 3. Only those persons who have made a significant contribution to the research are indicated as authors of the article.
4. If there is a potential conflict of interests in the process of submitting materials for consideration, the author must notify the editorial board.
5. Before sending materials for consideration to the journal, the author must verify the accuracy and correctness of citations given in the text as well as in the accuracy of self-citations in order to avoid an artificial increase of the volume of articles and self-plagiarism.
6. The author, who is the contact person, does not make individual solutions concerning the published materials, but informs his co-authors about all proposals and changes from the editorial board and acts only with the written consent of all co-authors.
7. The author must correspond correctly with the editor and the reviewer (through the editor), as well as respond to comments and remarks, if any.
8. At the request of the editorial board (based on the comments of reviewers or editors), the authors must make adjustments to the information provided in the article.

The responsibility of the editor

1. The editor is responsible for the content of the materials published in the journal. The decision to publish an article is made on the basis of the reliability and scientific significance of the materials submitted for publication.
2. The editor provides an honest, objective and independent expertise (peer review) of the article, on the basis of which he makes a reasonable decision on its acceptance / rejection.
3. The editor is responsible for resolving conflict situations that arise in the editorial office.
4. The editor, if necessary, publishes information about the correction, refutation and withdrawal of materials published in the journal.

The responsibility of the reviewer

1. Receiving an article for review, the reviewer must assess his employment and agree to review only if there is sufficient time to carry out a qualitative expertise.
2. If there is a conflict of interests, the reviewer must notify the editorial board before the expertise of the article.
3. The reviewer may not transfer information about the materials under review and the data contained therein to third parties.
4. The reviewer may not use the information contained in the materials under review for personal and commercial purposes.
5. The reviewer is obliged to give the most objective assessment of the materials submitted for consideration, not based on subjective factors, such as personal attitude to the author, gender, age, etc.
6. The reviewer must use only correct constructions and comments to the article without personal attacks.

Responsibility of the founder and publisher

1. The publisher provides the creation and functioning of scientific communications, including through the investment of this process, and is also responsible, on an equal basis with the editors, for the content and quality of the materials published in the journal.
2. The publisher does not have a direct influence on the editorial policy of the journal; it is formed directly by the members of the editorial board.
3. The publisher, if necessary, provides legal support to the editorial board of the journal.
4. The publisher provides the periodicity and timing of the publication of the journal.